Oxandrolone Review

Oxandrolone, known by the name Anavar, was originally developed for the recovery of patients with burns and anemia, for patients with HIV infection. Later, it found wide application in bodybuilding to increase the hardness and definition of muscles, burn subcutaneous fat, increase strength and endurance.

Oxandrolone is an anabolic and androgenic steroid. It was first introduced to the market in 1964 by Searle Laboratories. Today it is known under many trademarks, including Vasorome, Anatrofil, Anavar and Oxandrin. In essence, Oxandrolone is an artificial steroid with a heterocyclic A ring in which an oxygen atom replaces a carbon atom. The steroid is very popular due to its low androgenic activity and high anabolic index.

Like many other AAS, oxandrolone was originally developed for medical purposes. It has been used to treat anemia, Turner syndrome, fight HIV infection, strengthen bones, and recover from burns. It didn’t take long for anavar to take root in sports pharmacology. Prohibited for competitive athletes.

Steroid Profile

  • Anabolic effect – 400% of testosterone.
  • Androgenic effect – 25% of testosterone.
  • Conversion rate to estrogen (aromatization) – no.
  • Effects on the liver – mild / moderate.
  • Release form – tablets.
  • Validity period – up to 12 hours.
  • Detection time for doping control is up to one and a half months.

I must say that taking oxandrolone is perhaps the best solution for women. The low probability and severity of negative reactions (high anabolic index) indicate the exceptional safety of anavar.

Oxandrolone Effects

  • Increase in muscle hardness and relief. Most often, a steroid is used for this. Bodybuilders on drying courses with oxandrolone get high-quality and relief muscle mass without fluid accumulation.
  • Increase in strength indicators. The steroid Anavar is commonly used by boxers, track and field athletes, skiers and weight class sports.
  • Increased growth hormone levels.
  • Burning fat.

Solo Oxandrolone Course

Reception of anavar solo is recommended to increase the definition of the muscles. Gaining weight with this steroid is extremely ineffective and very costly from a financial point of view. The drug shows the best results on athletes with an average content of adipose tissue and sufficient muscle mass. A course of oxandrolone solo lasts 6-8 weeks , with a daily dosage of 20-80 milligrams . Such wide boundaries are due to individual differentiation.

The determination of the optimal dosage of oxandrolone is carried out on the basis of many factors: experience in the use of anabolic and androgenic steroids, the ultimate goal of taking, physiological characteristics of the body, training methods, etc. In order to get the maximum effect from the solo anavar course, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination and consult a doctor before starting it. While taking steroids, you need to monitor physiological indicators and make appropriate adjustments.

Taking oxandrolone on a course is advisable to build a ladder. It is recommended to start with the minimum dosage – 20 mg, and gradually increase it to optimal. Dividing the daily value into several equivalent shares will help balance the hormonal background, which reduces the likelihood of disruptions and side effects. PCT after oxandrolone starts 2 days after the completion of the course. It is carried out by Tamoxifen – 10 milligrams daily (restoring the level of endogenous testosterone), 1-2 weeks. Correctly selected sports nutrition will enhance the effect.

Combined courses

As for how to take oxandrolone in combination with other AAS, highly androgenic steroids are recommended to minimize adverse reactions and increase results. For example, Primobolan, various testosterones or Sustanon. When combined, the dosage of Anavar is no more than 40 milligrams. For girls, combination is undesirable.

Side effects

Oxandrolone formulations do not do much liver damage, despite being a 17-alpha-aclylated steroid. According to the studies, the use of Anavar in a daily dosage of 20 milligrams does not affect the state of liver enzymes in any way. Oxandrolone does not aromatize, which means it does not cause estrogenic manifestations. Possible side effects of Oxandrolone are related to the steroid’s ability to suppress the production of its own testosterone, albeit slightly. If the recommended dosages are exceeded, the endogenous level of the hormone is regarded by the body as too high, and it ceases to secrete testosterone. In the most severe cases, this can result in testicular atrophy. But if you follow the rules that the instructions for using Anavar contain, and follow the doctor’s recommendations, then negative reactions do not occur in 99% of cases.

Reviews of Oxandrolone

Athletes who used the steroid in preparation for the competition note its pronounced fat burning properties, the ability to increase strength indicators without a rapid increase in muscle mass. Reviews about Anavar speak of its effectiveness, at a very high price. Not every athlete (especially a beginner) can afford to purchase the drug. Most often it is used by professionals.

Reviews of Oxandrolon from the fair sex testify to the safety of the steroid. Many athletes use dosages of 10-20 milligrams of Anavar and do not feel negative reactions

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