What should be the diet for athletes?

Going in for sports, it is necessary to have a balanced and healthy diet so that the body does not lack nutrients. Otherwise, endurance decreases, and during bodybuilding, muscle growth slows down. The energy value and the ratio of BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) are the main criteria when choosing a menu. The diet for athletes should correspond to physical activity and its intensity, therefore, the sport is also important when choosing a diet.

How to choose the calorie content of the diet?

Professional athletes need individual selection of daily calories, especially during intensive preparation for and during competitions. For those who simply decided to change their previous lifestyle in favor of sports, it is enough to adhere to the general recommendations.

The Russian Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences determined the general standards for the energy value of the diet per day:

  • For a healthy man with normal weight and low physical activity, it is necessary to consume about 2000 kcal per day;
  • About 1800 kcal is enough for women.

If you want to tone your figure, develop muscle strength or pump up, then you should increase the calorie content by an average of 500 kcal. This is necessary in order to create a profit in the body of energy that it will spend on building muscle mass. The stronger you become, the more energy you need.

Gymnastics calories

The types of gymnastics include yoga, stretching, Pilates, and exercise in water (water gymnastics). Since these sports are aimed at the development of body plastics, the optimal energy value of the menu is about 2000 kcal per day with a weight of 40 to 50 kg. If the weight of an athlete reaches 60 kg and there is no obesity, then the calorie content of the daily menu can reach 2500 kcal per day. Excess weight requires adjusting the diet downward.

Bodybuilders and their calorie intake

Exercising on simulators or with free weights in order to increase muscle mass requires an increased energy value of the diet. For beginners and hobbyists, it is enough to consume 2500 kcal per day to start the process of muscle growth. At the same time, you need to control your progress, constantly increasing the load on all muscles of the body in order to develop strength evenly.

About BZHU

Physically active people should observe the ratio of nutrients in food. The daily rate for each of them is:

  • Proteins – 150-200 g (poultry, eggs, legumes, low-fat dairy products, dietary beef);
  • Carbohydrates – 230-250 g (cereals, vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread or crispbread);
  • Fat – 90 g (any vegetable oil, fish, seafood, nuts, seeds).

You can make your own menu, adhering to these recommendations, or order Grow Food ready-made food, which takes into account all the nuances of a rational sports menu. Regardless of your choice, you must follow the general rules of a healthy diet to feel healthy and energized.

Sports nutrition rules

A healthy diet for athletes must meet the following criteria:

  • Regularity – at least five meals with equal time intervals between them;
  • Serving size – during the day they can reach 400 g, and in the evening the portion size should be no more than 200-250 g;
  • In the morning it is recommended to consume more calories in the form of carbohydrates with proteins, and in the second, pure proteins with fiber should prevail;
  • Compliance with the drinking regime – at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

It is also necessary to give up fried foods, spices, flavor enhancers and try to use only natural, freshly prepared foods. Do not forget about regular physical activity, and then the desired result will not be long in coming!

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